whoops !!! writing after a long time, thought of many things but, could not convert them in black and white.
So here it is.
The ambiance around me is buzz with activities. Suddenly the people out here have become busy.The surface and obvious reason is the study pressure, which is a compulsory aspect of a b-school. But the underlying reason is the placement season approaching towards us. Though its quite far(I mean to me atleast it seems so) but the mercury is rising, people are becoming more competitive, responsible and studious. The world ,if not sprinting, has started running, and here am I sitting as usual on my laptop away and out of reach of this mundane activities. And mind you I am neither proud of it nor I am liking it. Ask those runners, are you running??...huf huf huf...running??? who me??? huf huf you gotta be kidding...
I mean what is this..Is either the person answering fool or the person being answered nuts. Why the fact that you are seriously studying now is meant to be hidden, seriously these things only make me hate the concept of competition.
Minds are discoursing over latest economic activities , concepts are being recalled, skills are being sharpened for that cutting edge. And ask them bout it, the reply comes. "who me..?? I never do that, I am a laid back laggard, who is a born intelligent with a gifted memory(in short I am a super hero), who never did and never will do all that crazy stuff"
Dear a word for you , if thats your dishonest confession then you are a big fool, and if by any chance this as an honest confession then you are a bigger ...er no biggest damn fool....
And here comes the third category in which I fall. These thoughtful souls are those who very well know the need of the hour, but are not able to do the needful, the reason being their friendship with lethargy and leisure. Sorry if you fall in this category alongwith me, I don't have any praises for you either. I always say to people that its very easy to surrender to temptation and give up, but it takes a man(women plz don't get angry , its just an expression) to come out of it. I do not endorse or stand for any such activities I consider them the sign of weakness, a quality not worthy of a leader....I feel terrible that I have fallen in this class, though I am quite happy that I am not in the above two classes,but still this is not done, I have to come out of it and sooner or later I will.
So the moral of the story"The world is running, and soon it will run faster, and we all better care or else we will always follow , and never lead"
1 comment:
hey buddy......dont know why .but its seems like you spoke out whatevr my next blog was going to be..
really felt nice......rather an eyeopener....but.. !!
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