Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nostalgia (Me as well)

Going through sam's post and Venky's reaction made me nostalgic as well, so taking the feel from sam and idea from venky, here is a post, a collection of pics and some interesting memories associated with it.

The story, From top, left to right
Pic 1- Venky being molested by sam, just look at the expression of poor little venky. This brutal act by sam was frequent, and with all of us, till date I doubt about sam's sexual orientation.(Pun intended sam, if you are reading this)

Pic 2- Yeah venky wasn't alone facing this, thats me, you don't know what your roommates can turn into. Expressions on ritesh is worth watching, what a horny guy.

Pic 3- Me and Sanjiv Rai in my flat at ber sarai, Rai sahab was my first roomie in hostel, wonderful guy, very creative. You will love him, hate him, praise him, he can accomodate in all your emotions. A perfect partner if you are looking out to do something insane(he will be always one step ahead in that insanity)

Pic 4- Thats TDH(tall dark handsome) ani, hottie richa and naughty pooja, a pic clicked at one the many parties organized by LBSIM in Delhi flying club. Almost every party of LBS was at DFC only, so it didn't came as a surprise when Adesh(my roommate at ber sarai) got commited with Upasana (a great frnd and our director's daughter) at DFC. As for richa, poo and ani, words fail to describe the bond I shared with these guys

Pic 5- Residents of 55-A Ber sarai posing after India won T20 world cup, a historic day in Indian cricket, this posing was followed by a mad road side dance with local dholis in the narrow lanes of Ber sarai.

Pic 6- Me with sachin goel at lbs on rose day. All these roses and we were single for the rest of our days at LBSIM, we should have picked some red roses I guess

Pic 7- Ritesh garg on congo, the guy was the spinal cord of music club mantra. My brief stint with music started and ended at LBS. I will always be thankful to each and every member of Mantra to give me those unforgettable moments of my life.

Pic 8- A rose created out of tomatoes by our lovely friend Juhi. The pic is significant for many reasons cause that was one significant day or night shall I say. After this was clicked and consumed, we went on to India Gate, me, ani, venkat, sam and santosh. The small trip to India Gate brought out a fabulous writer ani out of hiding by the means of his blog , his first post, a night of many first times, remember sindhu(if at all you are reading this).

Pic 9- Back bencher association alias BBA, the pic is incomplete though, it lacks me, ani and rahul. All these guy were my roommates, wonderful guys to be with. Have a whole post dedicated to my roommates Link .

Pic 10- First party of BBA. What a hell of a party at piyush's room. Two things I can never forget , piyush's disgusted looks, when he accidentally got a peek inside rahul's underwear and santosh's hysterical non stop laugh at end.

Pic 11- Last train from Delhi, I left Delhi after this was clicked, missed my farewell party...sad very sad...can't say anything else. Just after this pic I got tears rolling down my cheeks.. Very significant day, will tell in my next post why..

Pic 12- Holi at LBSIM, I celebrated holi after 4 years at LBS(thanks to my engg college) and haven't celebrated holy ever since, till date.

Thanks for your patient reading,

P.S Special thanks to sam and venky for writing nostalgia in their blogs.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Helped alive by a Undertaker

Hi folks, this is about a real life experience I had during my stint as a summer trainee at TERI in Delhi. For the background of it, during our MBA we are supposed to work with a corporate for summer project in order to complete our first year. I got placed in The Energy and Research Institute(TERI). The profile demanded me to do a feasibility study of Biomass Gasifiers TERI had designed especially in commercial applications. The damn thing was a chulha, which worked on biomass. It not only worked with ease of a LPG gas but was cheaper also. I had to suggest the company on all the 4P's i.e product, price, place and promotion. Somewhere during the project I realized that I should know the whole distribution of firewood, if it is there at all. The distribution of Biomass fuel or pellets as we called it would be quite similar to it. But I didn't had a clue of the firewood network(who does??) so I consulted my marketing professor Mr Pankaj Priya, bingo and he had a weird idea... Why don't you go a shamshaan Ghat(crematorium) and find out..???
So here I was, a fully formally dressed MBA grad, hanging a laptop, standing on the gates of Munirka Shamshaan Ghat.. When I barged in, there were two people burning(may god bless them), the workers were quite amused to see me. They were used to see people in groups usually carrying a dead on there shoulder. A jazzy young college grad, wearing a equally flashy(and cheap) shades, carrying a laptop was too much for a crematorium. I asked for the incharge, and the chandaal(undertaker) came out of his room. He was surprised, to say the least, and when I told him that I needed his help in my MBA project he was floored. I was immediately invited in, he had a small room with only one messy bed(not much lively visitors eh..) I looked for a place for both of us to sit since the bed was quite messy and guess what, he made me sit on a coffin, that was the only other thing available. Then he went on explaining on everything about firewood network. I must confess, I got more information than I asked for, the guy not only knew his job but also all things connected to it. How wood is obtained from wholesalers in west Delhi, how to bring it here to retail (crematoriums, retailers from slum etc), what is the source of wood, at what price wholesaler gets it, what are the margins etc etc.. That served my purpose, I thanked him. When I started going out he offered me tea, I could not refuse. So then we had hot tea in hot delhi at a hot crematorium. I am guessing I am the only one in my entire clan who had a tea inside a crematorium. Usually when we burn our dead, we come back and purify ourselves by bathing and doing some rituals, but here I was having tea with a friendly undertaker, forget rituals I didn't even bothered myself with a bath after coming out, I had to go elsewhere. Thinking of this now makes me philosophical, how easily we forget the existence and importance of some people. All I can say is that was a whole new perspective
Last words of the undertaker to me--- "Sahab fir miliyega zarurat ho to"(Sir, please come again if you need me)...I don't know if I would ever need him alive again, but his kind would definitely of use once I am all done.
Thanks for your patient reading.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Life lately

Well some of the things happening around my life, both proffessional and personal
My company market share not so attractive in my territory, though growing and gaining. The fact I survived confirmation process, got a promotion and got another raise, doesn't change the fact that frequent threats of termination continue, no fresh attractive jobs in the market, not for me atleast. But here is some silver lining in the cloud, at the end of the day I am enjoying it,I am loving the nature of my job, though I know it won't be so good for a future relationship I intend to be in, but still I like it. As Mr Narayan murthy says"Love your job not the company" that is exactly the case with me, so I guess my endurance is increasing. I have started becoming what was expected of me, a crook(yeah these were the exact words). I love when I take money out of someone's pocket, my cousin(the only other salesperson in the clan) once rightly said that it is one of the toughest task, and believe me its such a fun and satisfaction when you do that. I even get anxious when my boss doesn't issue a fresh threat or scolding. Finally some professionally closer people in my team. Professional challenges have somehow help me grow in my personal life as well. I am less mercurial nowadays, I take life easy, a job in sales has taught me patience and humility. My outlook towards things have changed a lot I am more polite to people. I had never been able to break the ice in an encounter, but now I am getting good at that. I easily get someone's viewpoint or intention, be it right or wrong. It would be now harder to deceive me as compared to last year. I am 2 years in work ex, and I am handling what is fully acknowledged as the toughest territory and the most challenging across Maharshtra. As far as my knowledge goes I am the youngest network manager this territory has ever seen so there is a lot to cover, and thankfully I am surrounded by few of the very highly professional people around me, both in my company as well as network. A lot to learn from their experiences and actions.

Personal life is witnessing a huge change. I am fat, yes I am, Yes I am (just 12 kg short of 1 quintal ) I am away from music now. Forget singing, I have left even, listening it properly. Its buried within me now, somewhere deep. The need for a soul-mate is increasing day by day, never felt it all my life, and everyday news of friends getting married and making babies isn't helping much either. I am very lazy sometimes, I don't save, spend too much mindlessly. My job requires me to be attentive, aggressive, quick and patient, doing that more than 12 hrs a day I can't stop doing it back home also.. All in all bhai logo, life thori badal geli hai...
Thanks for your patient reading

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Regionalism in here, why the hell???

Hi, as usual something around me makes me write this. Over the past one year we have witnessed violent forms of separatist activities in our nation. Telangana wanted to be a seperate state and so propagators of vandalism(sorry I don't think they were anything else) decided to torch buses and harm public properties, Pakistani flag was hosted at some square at shrinagar on Independence day, some hapless people were branded as 'North Indians' and these 'immigrants' were ruthlessly beaten and some even killed in one state, worst part, I observed many educated people giving open thumbs up to the theory. This was recent, earlier there were beatings of bengalis in assam or the khalistan movement for independent Punjab, or the lesser violent harit pradesh, vidharbha, bundelkhand, rajputana etc etc. This makes me think why is this happening?? Why the nation of Mahatma Gandhi is resorting to violence and making a mockery of the concept of 'Akhand Bharat' or say unified India. Here are few reasons, one in this post and the others in the posts to come.
My personal views and on a very lighter note, there can be a theory, a psychological reason, a subtle one, and that is, the fact we were actually a divided lot for most of our history, even a slightest interest in history will tell you that the biggest democracy on planet wasn't a democracy for most of its history. The doctrine of unity in diversity is actually a very recent one, we have been independent states for the most of our known history. These states were mostly on the basis of region and language,( not religion as many people may think), though there were national figures in Delhi(sultans and mughals) and Patna(Guptas and Mauryas) but Dravidians were mostly oblivious to that supremacy and other states had there own rulers who were either completely independent, or at the most, accepted the bigger power by paying taxes but by and large managing states on there own. So basically we were historically divided.
So may be this is the psychological base for some psychos who are on the way to divide this country once again just like we were few hundred years ago. Can somebody please tell these retards that times have CHANGED, we leave among trains and flights now, not between bullock carts and horses. These guys are mentally sick and are very bad student of history. They never understood that why Chandragupta maurya won against Alexander the great. They studied Peshwas but never understood why were they defeated at last battle of Panipat, they never learnt why East India company managed to enter this country and rule with a handful of people over millions of us over a period of 200 years.
These maniacs must be stopped as History has the habit of repeating itself.

Thanks for your patient reading.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

They said, I thought

Hi folks, first post to begin the year with. My blogging has reduced drastically last year, hope this year I write more often..So here it goes, some famous quotes I read, and this is what I thought.

1. "Honesty is the best policy"- William Shakespere

---Oh yeah, you can say that, you were never a salesman

2. "Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence"-- George Washington, you should have listened to George...

3. "As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality"--Albert Einstein

---So after stuff like E=MC sq, you are allowed to say intellect crap like that.

4. "Delay is preferable to error"--Thomas Jefferson

---Try telling that to my boss

5. "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person" --Mignon Mclaughlin

---Or, Not getting caught with the another one..

6. “We are Indians, firstly and lastly.” - B. R. Ambedkar

---People forgot

7. "Lost time is never found again. "--Benjamin Franklin.

---Why go lookin ??

8. "Formula for success: rise early, work hard--J.Paul Getty

---Or just, marry someone rich..

9. "I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love." Henry Ward Beecher

---Coz after that I was always on God's mercy

10. "Men talk to my boobs!"-- Mallika Sherawat

---Yeah coz its impossible to handle your loud mouth

Thanks for your patient reading
