Well some of the things happening around my life, both proffessional and personal
My company market share not so attractive in my territory, though growing and gaining. The fact I survived confirmation process, got a promotion and got another raise, doesn't change the fact that frequent threats of termination continue, no fresh attractive jobs in the market, not for me atleast. But here is some silver lining in the cloud, at the end of the day I am enjoying it,I am loving the nature of my job, though I know it won't be so good for a future relationship I intend to be in, but still I like it. As Mr Narayan murthy says"Love your job not the company" that is exactly the case with me, so I guess my endurance is increasing. I have started becoming what was expected of me, a crook(yeah these were the exact words). I love when I take money out of someone's pocket, my cousin(the only other salesperson in the clan) once rightly said that it is one of the toughest task, and believe me its such a fun and satisfaction when you do that. I even get anxious when my boss doesn't issue a fresh threat or scolding. Finally some professionally closer people in my team. Professional challenges have somehow help me grow in my personal life as well. I am less mercurial nowadays, I take life easy, a job in sales has taught me patience and humility. My outlook towards things have changed a lot I am more polite to people. I had never been able to break the ice in an encounter, but now I am getting good at that. I easily get someone's viewpoint or intention, be it right or wrong. It would be now harder to deceive me as compared to last year. I am 2 years in work ex, and I am handling what is fully acknowledged as the toughest territory and the most challenging across Maharshtra. As far as my knowledge goes I am the youngest network manager this territory has ever seen so there is a lot to cover, and thankfully I am surrounded by few of the very highly professional people around me, both in my company as well as network. A lot to learn from their experiences and actions.
Personal life is witnessing a huge change. I am fat, yes I am, Yes I am (just 12 kg short of 1 quintal ) I am away from music now. Forget singing, I have left even, listening it properly. Its buried within me now, somewhere deep. The need for a soul-mate is increasing day by day, never felt it all my life, and everyday news of friends getting married and making babies isn't helping much either. I am very lazy sometimes, I don't save, spend too much mindlessly. My job requires me to be attentive, aggressive, quick and patient, doing that more than 12 hrs a day I can't stop doing it back home also.. All in all bhai logo, life thori badal geli hai...
Thanks for your patient reading
hmm.....hmm.....dont analyze ur problems so much dat u write a blog post on dat :P matter of time...and rahi baat soulmate ki....der is an inversely proportional relation between weight and getting a soulmate :P :P
Hi dutta...actually wanted to write since long...so jo mann mein aaya bak diya...neways..thanks for the theorem...will keep a check on my weight henceforth
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