Saturday, February 13, 2010

Regionalism in here, why the hell???

Hi, as usual something around me makes me write this. Over the past one year we have witnessed violent forms of separatist activities in our nation. Telangana wanted to be a seperate state and so propagators of vandalism(sorry I don't think they were anything else) decided to torch buses and harm public properties, Pakistani flag was hosted at some square at shrinagar on Independence day, some hapless people were branded as 'North Indians' and these 'immigrants' were ruthlessly beaten and some even killed in one state, worst part, I observed many educated people giving open thumbs up to the theory. This was recent, earlier there were beatings of bengalis in assam or the khalistan movement for independent Punjab, or the lesser violent harit pradesh, vidharbha, bundelkhand, rajputana etc etc. This makes me think why is this happening?? Why the nation of Mahatma Gandhi is resorting to violence and making a mockery of the concept of 'Akhand Bharat' or say unified India. Here are few reasons, one in this post and the others in the posts to come.
My personal views and on a very lighter note, there can be a theory, a psychological reason, a subtle one, and that is, the fact we were actually a divided lot for most of our history, even a slightest interest in history will tell you that the biggest democracy on planet wasn't a democracy for most of its history. The doctrine of unity in diversity is actually a very recent one, we have been independent states for the most of our known history. These states were mostly on the basis of region and language,( not religion as many people may think), though there were national figures in Delhi(sultans and mughals) and Patna(Guptas and Mauryas) but Dravidians were mostly oblivious to that supremacy and other states had there own rulers who were either completely independent, or at the most, accepted the bigger power by paying taxes but by and large managing states on there own. So basically we were historically divided.
So may be this is the psychological base for some psychos who are on the way to divide this country once again just like we were few hundred years ago. Can somebody please tell these retards that times have CHANGED, we leave among trains and flights now, not between bullock carts and horses. These guys are mentally sick and are very bad student of history. They never understood that why Chandragupta maurya won against Alexander the great. They studied Peshwas but never understood why were they defeated at last battle of Panipat, they never learnt why East India company managed to enter this country and rule with a handful of people over millions of us over a period of 200 years.
These maniacs must be stopped as History has the habit of repeating itself.

Thanks for your patient reading.

1 comment:

queen's said...

hence we all are suffering the consequence of regionalism and separist ambitious politics.....there is a blast in every corner....