The story, From top, left to right
Pic 1- Venky being molested by sam, just look at the expression of poor little venky. This brutal act by sam was frequent, and with all of us, till date I doubt about sam's sexual orientation.(Pun intended sam, if you are reading this)
Pic 2- Yeah venky wasn't alone facing this, thats me, you don't know what your roommates can turn into. Expressions on ritesh is worth watching, what a horny guy.
Pic 3- Me and Sanjiv Rai in my flat at ber sarai, Rai sahab was my first roomie in hostel, wonderful guy, very creative. You will love him, hate him, praise him, he can accomodate in all your emotions. A perfect partner if you are looking out to do something insane(he will be always one step ahead in that insanity)
Pic 4- Thats TDH(tall dark handsome) ani, hottie richa and naughty pooja, a pic clicked at one the many parties organized by LBSIM in Delhi flying club. Almost every party of LBS was at DFC only, so it didn't came as a surprise when Adesh(my roommate at ber sarai) got commited with Upasana (a great frnd and our director's daughter) at DFC. As for richa, poo and ani, words fail to describe the bond I shared with these guys
Pic 5- Residents of 55-A Ber sarai posing after India won T20 world cup, a historic day in Indian cricket, this posing was followed by a mad road side dance with local dholis in the narrow lanes of Ber sarai.
Pic 6- Me with sachin goel at lbs on rose day. All these roses and we were single for the rest of our days at LBSIM, we should have picked some red roses I guess
Pic 7- Ritesh garg on congo, the guy was the spinal cord of music club mantra. My brief stint with music started and ended at LBS. I will always be thankful to each and every member of Mantra to give me those unforgettable moments of my life.
Pic 8- A rose created out of tomatoes by our lovely friend Juhi. The pic is significant for many reasons cause that was one significant day or night shall I say. After this was clicked and consumed, we went on to India Gate, me, ani, venkat, sam and santosh. The small trip to India Gate brought out a fabulous writer ani out of hiding by the means of his blog , his first post, a night of many first times, remember sindhu(if at all you are reading this).
Pic 9- Back bencher association alias BBA, the pic is incomplete though, it lacks me, ani and rahul. All these guy were my roommates, wonderful guys to be with. Have a whole post dedicated to my roommates Link .
Pic 10- First party of BBA. What a hell of a party at piyush's room. Two things I can never forget , piyush's disgusted looks, when he accidentally got a peek inside rahul's underwear and santosh's hysterical non stop laugh at end.
Pic 11- Last train from Delhi, I left Delhi after this was clicked, missed my farewell party...sad very sad...can't say anything else. Just after this pic I got tears rolling down my cheeks.. Very significant day, will tell in my next post why..
Pic 12- Holi at LBSIM, I celebrated holi after 4 years at LBS(thanks to my engg college) and haven't celebrated holy ever since, till date.
Thanks for your patient reading,
P.S Special thanks to sam and venky for writing nostalgia in their blogs.
amazing dude.....de good ol days....ill always remember the BBA..haha..
Delighted to talk to you man after so many days! Remembered all the days in hostel and the frequent re-grouping we used to have for those unforgettable CS games amongst many other memories!
Thanks for making this a memorable post in more ways than one!
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