Just for the background, this was for the first time I was totally on my own, away from my home, choosing the best people to live with, no relatives, no cousins, just me, all by myself, and this is how it turned out to be. (clockwise)Me, santosh aka sandwa aka mishra aka neo, amit sindhu aka rambo, Adesh aka addy aka terminator, and siddharth aka bajrangi(he goes by many names, and they all are censored). In case u are wondering over those fancy names they all were assumed during our brief stint with counterstrike, a multiplayer game, which bonded us together and gave these people a break from there deeply committed lives. Carrying on to the legacy of 55-A Ber sarai New Delhi we had a conglomeration of 5 people, 4 with active romantic life and I was the single not ready to mingle one. It was a 3 bhk flat, special mention to sid's room, or 'the room' as I call, in that dark romm many records were broken , many msgs passed upstairs and below to Billu Rani, beginnings and farewells of relationships ahem ahem....bas itna hi...
So what are the perils of having 4 lover boys around you???, they are hardly available and you are mostly alone. Its not that they did it purposefully but gals now a days are demanding, you have to be at there beck and call even if you had just seen them 2 hours ago in college, our dear mini jatt was an exception, his lady was available round the clock over our head, oh I mean the flat upstairs. So we kinda had a 6'th roomie in her(whom we never allowed to pay). The days at 55-a were quite dull, coz there wasn't any sunlight, and we were busy in classes mostly. But the night were quite happening place to be. Three call center executives sid, santy and ady, one on duty boyfriend and me a ardent gamer who just had a lappy to himself. So you can imagine how boring it use to get at times, especially in holidays wen I was the only one left alone, though santy use to be there but our non vegan alcoholic interests never matched.
But then bamm!!, everything changed in a flash, we had a new companion thanks to few residents of another nest munirka, we had COUNTER STRIKE, finally the boyfriends realized the importance of boys and friends. Gals naturally were unhappy but hell who cares, I had my boyz back. To add to it we had paras who made up for santy who wasn't very proficient with the game of terrorists and there bombs. Studies till midnight and then CS from midnight till early morning, oh I love the way we did it, me and paras in one room, sid in his room, ady and amit in one. The whole night use to go swearing, cursing, laughing at opposite team, and offcourse the post game analysis. Anyone whose kill count scored half century or century use to get a gun salute or what we said 'salaami', Oh now I know how sachin feels when he scores a ton. I tried CS many times again, but it was never the same again. It wasn't the game actually, it was the company I really enjoyed, the game was just a podium which brought us together. We guys had our share of differences but they always exist, inspite of all that the room had some common interests, food, gals, games and offcourse me.. :) I was the eldest member of the clan and at times the bridge between team A and B(guys very well understand what I mean). Many people say that we guys never went out together like many people did, for them just one answer, we guyz had gals to go out with, unlike you...
There were other rooms or flats, but there was difference, at mine u never wear all is well mask, u say what you feel, you do what you feel, u love, u like, u dislike, but u never hate, u never cheat, u never talk behind, u never blaim, u always remember, u wish, u swear together loud, so loud that at 1 am your land ki lady at your doorstep, u pray for each other, u fight for each other, u party with each other but never part from each other. Guys I miss you, and addy and amit, yaar ab tum logo ki baari mumbai aane ki, baaki 2 to mil liye....
Thanks for your patient reading
Roy a.k.a Hitler