I think, or rather I know that I am NOT a good poet, but still I am quite daring in nature, so here I dare to write that, after all its my ROY..al Area..
Ok here is a poem(atleast I thought so) I wrote almost 4 yeas back when I was in college, my college was situated in middle of farm houses with no other significant construction around a radius of almost 2-3 kms..and a river flowing just 1 km behind it. Also there was a graveyard surprisingly clubbed with an amusement park, almost 4-5 kms away from it. The poem was written post midnight when I was trying my best to study, had a bad day, the poem gives an idea of what may have happened ..So here it goes..
Today all of a sudden I felt alone in the crowd, and instantly I asked who are my friends??
Looked there were none, thought there were many, they, yes they are my friends..
The cold breeze of morning, the sun, alone who's shining,
the cold nights of summer, the warm noons of winter, they, yes they are...
The road long, alone on which I ride,
wind blowing in the farm which looks like a tide, they, yes they are...
The rose plant in the backyard,
that river near the graveyard, they, yes they are...
the roof which which gives me seclusion,
that calm water in the pond which trembles on intrusion, they, yes they are...
Those quite midnights, that white moonlight,
the bell of the midnight hour, the twinkle of that little star, they, yes they are my friends
They, yes they are my friends.
ure no less of a chupa rustam than me..lol..nice poem..reallyyyyyy liked it:) again a sad one
(guess poems are meant to be sad)..but i do like msg behind it n also pray dat u dnt feel de same way now..!!??!!..trust me u got a lotta frens..even if they mite not be chuddy buddy frens..but theyll be here wheneva u need them:) pakka pakka!!.......
Nice poem... seems to come straight from heart..
keep up the great work!!
a coupla more lines to end your lovely poem with :
they seem so silent at times yet never leave me lonely...
i feel blessed as they transport me into a splendid land afar...
a land untouched by pain and betrayal, hurt and backstabs...
unlike mere mortals, these are my real friends...yes they are!
keep it rolling! :)
Thanks a lot for the appreciation. Its a pleasant surprise that u ppl liked what I thought to be crap...and wonderful lines Pri..takes the poem ahead very nicely...
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