Monday, August 1, 2016

Note to friends from social media

Usually my FB/ Twitter timeline is filled with political garbage,  misplaced jingoism and pseudo feminist crap. Mostly copied or shared from unverified and untrue sources. Quite harmful I'd say. We must be cautious of not only what others are posting but also mindful of what we put out there. Mis-information is one of the biggest perils of this information age. Allow me to elaborate by examples. 

1. Political:
Mr A is very much against one political party. He every day puts post and comment against them. He refuses to acknowledge and overlooks any good work by that party. He can never appreciate rationale. Mr A is a duffer.

You are not as duffer as Mr A, but you read his TL daily, you don't verify his post from credible resources. Before you know it, you are as duffer as Mr A. You may be against him or with him doesn't matter. You would be still be a duffer. 

2. Personal:
Ms B had a bad relationship. All day she shares posts that maligns men and eulogise women. Ms B is now firmly anti men, pseudo feminist lady. She posts what suits her, not what is correct. She is trying to address her problems from wrong resources and knitting her own web of problems. Ms B is looser.

You are not a looser like Ms B. You read her TL daily, but you don't verify it. Your partner is a good lad. He isn't perfect but has some really good qualities. Before you know it, you will start looking your guy from Ms B's tainted glasses. Only his imperfections will be visible to you. Soon you will join Ms B's loosers club.
Above example applies to both gender.

3. Pictures and videos
This one is pretty serious and I will be recounting my own experience rather than example. Won't share the names for personal and safety reasons.
I was friends online with a lady I knew. She was married. This was the time of Orkut. She had a long list of virtual friends many of whom were not personally known to her. She was pretty comfortable in sharing her pics, sometimes in attires that were fairly minimalistic (sorry, couldn't think of any other politically correct word). Anyways who am I to judge.
But long after orkut was out of vogue, I saw her pics on another guys system who couldn't possibly be her friend. A close look and I realised my friends pics were in a porn pic site. There were filthy comments all over it. I reported those pics, but what's out there on net is out there forever.

Wether you realise it or not your online postings gives people a idea of the real you and also at times gives a fairly good idea of your personal life. Not saying that it is wrong, but just saying that what it means. Share responsibly, post with care. We all have a fairly large friend list and a lot many of them are not your friends in true sense of the word.

As usual that was long. Thanks for your patient reading...

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Gender Equality

We live in a world where a boy dating many girls is a Casanova, but a girl doing the same is slut,
Yet we dream of gender equality.

We live in a world where a mother gets a full quarter of paid maternity leave, but paternity leaves don't go beyond a week,
Yet we dream of gender equality.

We live in a world where a girl is denied higher education, and a boy is pushed into it,
Yet we dream of gender equality.

We live in a world where a husband hitting his wife is a crime, but a wife hitting her  husband is a WhatsApp joke,
Yet we dream of gender equality.

He wants a fair, slim, 'homely' wife. But himself is fat, can't cook , won't cook guy,
Yes, he also talks of gender equality.

She wants a tall, seven figure salaried, well settled (not with in-laws) guy. But herself earns in five figures, can't cook, won't cook girl,
Yes, she also wants gender equality.

We live in a world where a guy moving up in office is either talented or a chamcha, but a girl moving up, is definitely sleeping with boss,
Yet we dream of gender equality.

We live in a world which constantly reminds of a mother's great sacrifice in nurturing you, but never mentions that silent father, who always kept your fancy dress above his worn out shoes,
Yet we dream of gender equality.

We live in a world where a fifty year old unmarried actor is still the most eligible bachelor, but a 40 something unmarried actress is a sad story,
Yet we dream of gender equality.

We live in a world where a woman doing a job and also taking care of house is deemed a super-woman, but a man doing the same is just doing his duty,
Yet we dream of gender equality.

Thanks for your patient reading...

P.s : If the above post offends you, I truly don't give a damn. If you beg to differ, please leave a comment.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Perils of Online wisdom

I am writing again today. It's exciting actually. The best part of blogging here now is the fact that probably no one's going to read it. So I am not worried about likes or retweets. It's now my own personal diary.
Wanted to say something very harmful happening around us. Social media 'gyaan' or 'wisdom' . It's short, catchy, and mostly untrue and harmful. I am not just talking about the misinformation that is being spread for political reasons, but more on a personal front. We are shaping behaviours, we are creating attitude. We are using creative one liners to justify, or worse, glorify wrong perceptions. Take this for an example, a post in FB said " It is beautiful when you stop caring for things in life and start living free". How on earth stop caring in your life makes someone free. One must be mad or utterly selfish to not care for anything. I care about my family, my job, friends etc. It does not make me their slave. This is just a sample. Online space is full of brain devoid things like this. People read them, find the one which is convenient for them. Probably something which would justify their faults and use it frequently, oh and also share it online. Allow me to explain how this works. Today by my bad luck I stumbled upon Splistsvilla, a sleazy cheap reality show in MTV. A girl contestant proudly said, she thinks all men are dogs and they need to be trained. She then asked what's wrong with that as it is her personal view. If it were a tweet she would probably also tell everyone to stop 'judging' her. Reality is, all men are not dogs, there is everything wrong with your 'personal' view and we will be bloody judging you and your persona on your views.
Next time you see such sweeping statements online, I request you to think about it. See if it is true for you or truth in general. If the later is not the case, challenge it then and there.
Thanks for your patient reading...

Saturday, June 4, 2016


आज फिर दो साल के अंतराल के पश्चात कुछ लिख रहा हूँ. काफी कुछ बदल गया है। व्यक्तिगत एवं व्यवसायिक जीवन में कुछ बड़े परिवर्तन हुए है। पर शायद दुनिया मेरे जीवन से कहीं ज्यादा गति से परिवर्तित हुई है। अब देख लीजिये, पहली बार हिंदी में लिख रहा हूँ, वह भी लैपटॉप मे नहीं, मोबाइल में। एंड्राइड ने जैसे सारा संसार अपने में समां लिया हो। हर परिवर्तन कुछ अच्छा और बुरा समेटे लाता है। पिछ्ले 5 साल में एंड्राइड ने ऐसा ज़ोर पकड़ा है की अब तकरीबन हर चीज़ का एप्लीकेशन बन गया है, काफी कुछ आसानी से हो जाता है। पर ये भी सच है की हम आत्मनिर्भरता से मोबाइल निर्भरता की और भाग रहे है। परंतु ये मनुष्य की प्रवित्ति पर निर्भर है। अब डायनामाइट से पहाड़ तोड़ने है की घर, इसका निर्णय तो हमें ही लेना ह, डायनामाइट ने नहीं ।

अरे हाँ बड़ी बात तो रह गयीे। मैं तकरीबन दो साल पहले पिता बना, एक बहुत सुन्दर और नटखट बेटी का। भगवान से बेटी मांगी और उस ने सुन ली।  जीवन पूरा उसके इर्द गिर्द घूमता है। अपने आँखों के सामने उसे पैदा होते देखा और अब बड़ा होते हुए देख रहा हूँ। सब एक किसी चलचित्र की तरह याद है। उसका इस संसार में आना, पहली हंसी, पहले कदम, पहले शब्द, सब कुछ मस्तिष्क के एक सुरक्षित कोने में सहेज के रख दिया है।सच कहूँ तो पहली बार पता चला की प्रेम किसे कहते है। परमेश्वर को कोटि कोटि नमन।।।

नाम है वान्या, जिसका एक अर्थ है आदर्श पुत्री।

पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद, ज्यादा समय नष्ट हुआ लगता हो तो लॉगआउट करे और ट्विटर में जाए।